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"Kami sedang mencari lahan untuk masa depan Bio Farma. Kalau sekarang punya lahan 40 hektare, itu hanya cukup untuk satu cluster, yaitu vaksin. Ke depan kami akan bergerak ke life science yang minimal lima cluster." DIREKTUR Utama PT Bio Farma Iskandar menyatakan perusahaan yang dipimpinnya akan mengekspansi bisnis industri biomedis dengan berbasis penerapan bioteknologi. Perluasan bisnis tersebut mencakup lima kelompok (cluster) industri biomedis, yaitu vaksin, biosimilar, monoklonal antibodi, produk turunan darah (blood product), dan teknologi sel punca (stem cell). Terkait dengan itu, badan usaha milik negara tersebut menyiapkan dana sebesar Rp250 miliar sebagai investasi awal.Dana tersebut akan digunakan untuk menyiapkan infrastruktur pabrik, khususnya pengadaan lahan seluas 200 hektare sebagai tempat mendirikan pabrik hijau di masa datang. “Kami sedang mencari lahan untuk masa depan Bio Farma.Kalau sekarang punya lahan 40 hektare, itu hanya cukup untuk satu cluster, yaitu vaksin. Ke depan kami akan bergerak ke life science yang minimal lima cluster.Itu berarti butuh 200 hektare,“ ujar Iskandar ketika ditemui Media Indonesia di Jakarta, Senin (18/8). Pihaknya menetapkan sejumlah kriteria terkait dengan lahan yang akan dipilih. Lahan tersebut, ujar dia, haruslah memiliki akses transportasi yang strategis, seperti pelabuhan, bandara, dan jalan tol. Hal itu berkaitan dengan jangkauan pendistribusian produk yang menargetkan pasar global. Lokasi lahan juga harus dekat dengan sungai yang akan digunakan sebagai sumber air utama dalam proses produksi.Terhadap kriteria tersebut, pihak Bio Farma memetakan tiga kandidat lahan potensial. Ketiga kandidat lahan itu berlokasi di Jasinga, Bogor; Majalengka; dan Subang. Hingga kini, proses negosiasi masih berlangsung demi mencapai titik temu untuk ketiganya. “Kita harapkan tahun ini sudah dapat tanahnya sehingga tahun depan bisa mulai mempersiapkan infrastruktur. CSR harus masuk dulu,“ imbuhnya. Jika negosiasi tak berhasil, pihaknya menyiapkan rencana cadangan berupa pengajuan proposal kerja sama (joint cooperation) dengan BUMN lainnya, seperti RNI dan PTPN.Hal itu dimungkinkan mengingat BUMN tersebut memiliki aset lahan yang diperlukan Bio Farma. “Memang agak jauh (core bisnisnya), tapi nanti kita pikirkan bagaimana kontraknya untuk itu,“ tukas Iskandar. (Din/S-25). Sumber: Media Indonesia 20 Agustus 2014

"We are looking for land for the future of Bio Farma. If you now have 40 hectares of land, it was only enough for one cluster, i.e. the vaccine. In the future we will move to the minimum of five life science cluster.” THE PRESIDENT DIRECTOR of PT Bio Farma, Iskandar stated his company will expand the biomedical industry business based on the biotechnology applications. The expansion of the business includes five groups (clusters) of biomedical industry, namely vaccines, biosimilar, monoclonal antibodies, blood derived products (blood products), and stem cell technology (stem cell). Related to that, the state-owned enterprises spend around 250 billion as the initial investment. The fund will be used to prepare the plant infrastructure, particularly the 200 hectares land acquisition as a place to set up the green factories in the future. "We are looking for land for future Bio Farma. If we now have 40 hectares of land, it was only enough for one cluster, i.e. the vaccine. In the future we will move to the life sciences which are at least five clusters. It means it tooks 200 hectares, " said Iskandar when met by Media Indonesia in Jakarta, Monday (18/8). He set a number of criteria related to the land to be selected. The land, he said, should have access to strategic transport, such as ports, airports, and highways. It relates to the distribution range of products that target the global market. Location of land must close to the river that will be used as the main source of water in the production process. To these criteria, Bio Farma charted three candidates of potential land. The three candidates are located in Jasinga, Bogor; Majalengka; and Subang. Until now, the negotiation process is still underway to reach the meeting point for three. "We hope this year we have got the land so that next year we could start preparing the infrastructure. CSR should go first, "he added. If the negotiations do not succeed, his party set up a backup plan in the form of applying the proposals of cooperation (joint cooperation) with other state owned enterprise, such as RNI and PTPN. It was possible given the state enterprises have the necessary land assets needed by Bio Farma. "It's a little far (core business), but then we think about how to contract for it," said Iskandar. (Din / S-25). Source: Media Indonesia August 20, 2014